Why Ravenswood

About Our Collaboration With
Our Brother School

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Ravenswood continues to enjoy a strong sister/brother school relationship with Knox Grammar School. Both schools are Uniting Church and committed to offering the best of both worlds.

We are strongly committed to single sex education as a means of delivering the best academic outcomes for students. Through a partnership and collaboration with Knox Grammar School, our girls can benefit from a range of co-curricular and other shared activities.

Ravenswood girls have access to:

These activities provide boys and girls with opportunities to work with each other in structured ways, around projects with significant challenge and opportunities for social/emotional growth. This is happening in:

The Cadet experience: where girls and boys are working together in teams, sharing leadership roles with significant responsibility.

Our students are particularly challenged in planning and implementing social justice programs as they work in areas well beyond their experiences and comfort zones. Knox boys and Ravenswood girls have grown emotionally through these joint ventures through such experiences as Cambodia.

Young women and men will move into the world of employment where teamwork, positive relationships and mutual respect are so important for success. The Knox/Ravenswood Year 10 students’ Be the Change Agent experience is so valuable to our students in preparing them for the future.

Working together for fun and enjoyment through collaboration in school musicals has been a driver for positive social interaction and development for many years. This kind of structured and purposeful activity provides many opportunities for social and emotional development.

Ravenswood looks forward to expanding the range of programs and resources on offer as we continue to collaborate with Knox on a range of exciting projects. Both schools believe that single-sex education is academically the best approach. The main benefits of single-sex education derive from the ability to facilitate pastoral and academic provision more sensitively and expertly to the needs of young people going through the physical and social upheaval of adolescence.

Research has shown that single gender teaching can raise the attainment for adolescent children because boys and girls may have different learning styles and a larger percentage of boys are often kinaesthetic learners. With this in mind, our single-sex school structures and targeted teaching styles are designed for the specific needs of girls and boys to achieve excellence in all they do.