Junior School

Key Learning Areas

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An inquiry approach to learning using the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) Learning Framework is used throughout Junior School.

Our goal is to develop students into independent, resilient learners who are capable of solving problems effectively and resolving conflict. Our focus is on developing strong foundations in literacy and numeracy, while nurturing the physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth of the individual.

The Key Learning Areas follow the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and offers a rigorous broad-based curriculum, which caters for the individual needs of each student and is incorporated into the IP PYP Learner Profile.

The six Key Learning Areas are:

The core academic subjects of English (Literacy), Mathematics (Numeracy), Science, History and Geography (HSIE) are taught through the trans-disciplinary approach of the IB PYP by the class teacher, assisted by the teacher’s aide and Learning Enrichment Department, who assist students to enable each to access the curriculum and strengthen their skills and strategies. Specialist teachers provide expertise in the areas of:

Additional learning opportunities are also provided in:

Underpinning the curriculum is an explicit Thinking Skills program which teaches strategic analytical, critical and creative thinking skills.

The class teacher differentiates and integrates the English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and History and Geography curriculum into the Units of the IB PYP.

The Learning Enrichment Department and teacher’s aides, assist class teachers to ensure that each student is developing a deep understanding of the learning content and processes and is able to access the curriculum.

Specialist teachers in Music, Visual Arts, Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Technology, Speech, Languages, Religious Education, Technical and Applied Studies, Dance and Drama, work closely with class teachers to develop an in-depth knowledge of each student.