Why Ravenswood

Growth Mindset

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In the Junior School, students use Positive Education principles in a variety of ways, including by creating a conceptual framework based on the Power of Yet, an idea championed by psychologist Professor Carol Dweck.

Students are encouraged to reframe their thinking about learning in terms of ‘I haven’t mastered this skill, yet’ to aid them to develop a growth mindset and persevere and seek support as needed. A Year 12 Prefect helped her younger counterparts to remember to adopt a growth mindset by turning YET into an acronym:

Our Kindergarten students participate in a Try New Things program to ward against self-imposed limitations. They starred in a Try New Things video and use it to encourage their older peers to give new activities a go.

These programs demonstrate the way Positive Education language can be built and extended by the students, for the students, as we strive to create a School community that truly thrives.